Page 4 - Marvel 11 Mini Practice Test - Demo
P. 4
17. – 21. sorularda, cümleyi uygun şekilde 22. – 24. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. cevaplayınız.
17. After Mark Twain travelled on the first cruise On a sunny day, I wanted to go fishing on my own.
in America in 1867, ----. So I packed everything: a fishing rod, hooks,
weights and of course, worms for bait. When I
A) ships also carry immigrants to the United reached the quay, I put a worm on the hook and
States threw the line in and waited for the fish to bite. I was
B) because there was a big improvement in disappointed when I did not catch anything after I
the quality of the ships waited for an hour. I pulled in the line because I was
C) passengers are responsible for their own going to check the worm. To my surprise, there was
luggage a small fish at the end of the line. Because it was
D) famous for his descriptions of life on the too small to eat, I took the little fish off the hook and
Mississippi River threw it back into the water. I put another worm on
E) he wrote about the trip in his book the hook and threw the line in. Five minutes later,
Innocents Abroad the line started to shake rapidly. I wanted to pull it,
but I couldn’t. Suddenly, I saw a huge fish on the
water. It pulled the line into the water. I couldn’t
keep it anymore. In the end, I lost both my hope and
my fishing rod. I was very upset, so I packed
18. When a blue whale exhales, ----. everything and went back home.
A) whalers killed almost 30,000 blue whales
B) its scientific name is Balaenoptera 22. According to the passage, the first fish ----.
C) its skin had a bluish-gray colour A) was too heavy to pull
D) its spray can reach nearly 30 feet into the B) shook the line rapidly
air C) wasn’t big enough to eat
E) females carry their young for a year D) took five minutes to catch
E) jumped back into the water
19. ---- because it is the warmest time of year in
A) When the chicks are about nine weeks old
B) Adélie penguin eggs hatch in December
C) It has been very cold lately 23. It is clear from the passage that the writer
D) Penguins were excellent swimmers ----.
E) Before they left the jungle
A) didn’t have enough bait, so he went back
B) wasn’t strong enough to catch the big fish
C) stayed at the quay for only five minutes
D) couldn’t catch anything, but remained
20. We had a traffic accident ----. hopeful
E) decided to buy a new fishing rod
A) while we were going to the station
B) because we will run out of petrol
C) when the policeman stops the car
D) ever since the traffic was heavy
E) so we didn’t have any problems
24. One can learn from the passage that the
writer ----.
21. ----, the chairman was kind enough to let us
in. A) was very happy because he caught a lot of
A) After I talk to the boss B) went fishing with friends
B) By the time the meeting ends C) had more than one fishing rods
C) As soon as they announce the results D) couldn’t take any fish home
D) When we meet after work E) caught a huge fish and took it home
E) Although we were late for the meeting
Marvel Grade 11 - Mini Practice Test 01 3