Page 9 - Marvel 11 Periodical - Demo
P. 9
56. – 60. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
56. Bu fabrika, geri dönüşüm yardımıyla su 59. Hayvanlar, diğer hayvanların davranışını
tüketimini büyük ölçüde azaltmıştır. etkilemek için feromon adı verilen koku
sinyallerini kullanırlar.
A) After the factory starts recycling its
materials, water consumption will reduce to A) The scent signals called pheromones have
a great extent. affected some animals and the behaviour of
B) The factory is planning to reduce water other animals.
consumption to a great extent with the help B) Animals use scent signals called
of recycling. pheromones to affect the behaviour of other
C) With the help of recycling, the water animals.
consumption of the company has reduced C) The scent signals called pheromones help
to a great extent. animals affect the behaviour of other
D) With the help of recycling, this factory is animals.
going to reduce water consumption to a D) Animals affect the behaviour of other
great extent. animals by using scent signals called
E) This factory has reduced water pheromones.
consumption to a great extent with the help E) The behaviour of animals are affected by
of recycling. other animals because they use scent
signals called pheromones.
57. Dünyadaki tüm diğer canlı organizmalar gibi,
bitkiler de hayatta kalmak için suya
gereksinim duyarlar.
A) Water is also vital for the survival of all the
other living organisms in the world including
B) Like the other living organisms, all the
plants in the world also need water for their
C) All the other living organisms in the world,
including plants, also need water to survive.
D) Like all the other living organisms in the
world, plants also need water to survive.
E) Like all the other living organisms in the
world, the survival of plants also depends
on water.
58. Albert Einstein, teorik fizikteki göz alıcı 60. Son 50 yılda, bilim insanları pek çok ciddi
çalışmalarıyla bilim dünyasını değiştirdi. hastalığın tedavisini bulmuştur.
A) Albert Einstein’s brilliant works in A) Over the past 50 years, scientists have
theoretical physics changed the world of found a cure for many serious illnesses.
science. B) It took scientists 50 years to find a cure for
B) The world of science changed with the many serious illnesses.
brilliant works of Albert Einstein in C) After 50 years’ research, scientists can
theoretical physics. treat many serious illnesses.
C) Albert Einstein changed the world of D) Scientists have been looking for a cure for
science with his brilliant works in theoretical many serious illnesses for the past 50
physics. years.
D) Albert Einstein made brilliant studies in E) Over 50 years, there have been many
theoretical physics and changed the world attempts to find a cure for many serious
of science. illnesses.
E) After Albert Einstein carried out brilliant
works in theoretical physics, the world of
science changed.
Marvel Grade 11 - Periodical 01 8