Page 5 - Marvel 11 Grammar Pack - Demo
P. 5
9. Between the 14 and 16 centuries Kerala 13. Before the Spanish ---- their New World
scholars ---- a number of important empire in the 1400s, the Maya people ---- in
mathematical concepts. this area.
A) created A) were founding / will be flourishing
B) will be creating B) will be founding / are going to flourish
C) are creating C) found / will flourish
D) create D) are founding / flourish
E) are going to create E) founded / flourished
10. The current King of Thailand, Bhumibol, 14. When the ancient Egyptians ---- bodies, they
---- his reign when his brother, King Ananda ---- a dead person’s brains out through their
Mahidol, ---- in 1946. nose.
A) was beginning / dies A) were mummifying / are pulling
B) began / died B) mummify / pull
C) will begin / is dying C) are mummifying / will pull
D) is beginning / will die D) mummified / pulled
E) begins / was dying E) will be mummifying / are going to pull
11. Can you see Harold and Maude over there? 15. After he ---- A Farewell to Arms, Ernest
They ---- towards the boat now and they are Hemingway ---- its last page 39 times.
really fast.
A) writes / was revising
A) swam B) will write / revises
B) were swimming C) wrote / revised
C) are swimming D) is writing / revised
D) swim E) was writing / revised
E) are going to swim
12. We ---- at the station at 7 p.m. because the 16. The brain capacity of the first human
train to Ankara ---- at 7.30. being, Neanderthal man, ---- larger than the
modern man’s.
A) will be / left
B) are / was leaving A) is
C) are going to be / leaves B) was
D) were / is leaving C) will be
E) are being / will be leaving D) is being
E) is going to be