Page 4 - Marvel 11 Skills Pack - Demo
P. 4

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          MARVEL  GRADE

                    1. - 8. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın
                    boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek
                    ifadeyi bulunuz.

                  1.  Customer:                                  3.  Adam:
                     –  Excuse me. Can I have some ice for my       –  Are you happy with your new job?
                     Waiter:                                        –  Yes, I have a high salary and very nice
                     –  ----                                           colleagues.

                     Customer:                                      Adam:
                     –  Thank you.                                  –  ----

                     Waiter:                                        Mark:
                     –  Would you like anything else?               –  Don’t worry. I am sure you will find a
                                                                       better job than mine one day.
                     A)  Sorry, but I am not the waiter.
                     B)  You could ask for some when you came       A)  They cannot be as good as my colleagues.
                        here.                                       B)  I don’t think you deserve such a job.
                     C)  Of course, madam. I’ll bring some          C)  This is great. I really envy you.
                        immediately.                                D)  I am really happy with my job, too. I think
                     D)  Yes, madam. How much ice do you want?         we are very lucky.
                     E)  Would you like something to eat?           E)  I am bored of working these days and need
                                                                       a holiday.


                  2.  Kelly:                                     4.  Mother:
                     –  I must find a slow dance music for my       –  Can you please turn off the music?
                        sister’s wedding. Do you have any idea?
                     Charlotte:                                     –  No, I can’t. This is my favourite song.
                     –  Why don’t you play “Love Story”? It is         Just wait for five minutes.
                        very romantic.
                     Kelly:                                         –  ----
                     –  ----
                     Charlotte:                                     –  OK, then, I am going to my room and I
                     –  OK. If you decide on it, let me know. I        will listen to it there.
                        have it on my computer.
                                                                    A)  Why don’t you study instead of listening to
                     A)  That’s a good idea. But I should ask my    B)  You have to clean the mess in your
           Study Test  C)  I asked you in vain. You have a terrible   C)  I will sing a lovely song for you.
                        sister first.
                                                                       bedroom now.
                     B)  My sister hates that song. I don’t think she
                        will want it.
                                                                    D)  But I have a headache and I can’t stand it.
                        taste in music.
                                                                    E)  This song is really relaxing.
                     D)  We can check my playlist and find some
                     E)  I had better ask someone else.
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