Page 6 - Marvel 11 Reading Pack - Demo
P. 6
Paragraph Completion
11 020/03
1. - 8. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak
için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
1. In ancient Greek stories, Hector is the 3. Piet Hein was a scientist, inventor, poet and
leader of the Trojans in the Trojan War. author as well as a mathematician. He was
Hector does many brave things during the the creator of popular games such as the
Trojan War. He fights Ajax the Greater in Soma Cube, Hex, Morra, Polytaire, TacTix,
single combat. ----. In the end, they declare Qrazy Qube and Pyramystery. ----. Yale
it a draw. Achilles goes into a rage when awarded him an honorary doctorate in 1972.
Hector kills Achilles’ dear friend Patroclus, He died in Denmark in 1996.
so Achilles cruelly kills Hector with the help
of Athena. A) Several years later, he joined Technical
University of Denmark to study engineering
A) The Trojan War still influences literature and B) In addition, he came up with a new
arts geometrical form, the super ellipse
B) Troy was located near the Dardanelles C) Many of these poems were political in nature
C) They fight all day long D) Among them, Hein was known by the pen
D) Few of them returned safely to their homes name “Kumbel”
E) The cause of the war is a quarrel between E) He lived on Funen, the third largest island of
the goddesses Denmark in that year
2. The appearance of a sea star will change 4. The Blue Jay is a white-faced bird with a
from species to species. Most of the time, characteristic blue crest, back, wings and
they will have the classic five-arm shape. It tail. It has a black collar around the throat
makes them resemble the star of a sheriff’s and head. Its bill, legs, feet and eyes are
badge. ----. For example, the sea star also black. ----. However, males are slightly
Labidiaster annulatus has 50. larger than females.
A) Sea stars have two stomachs, but no legs A) Blue Jays are generally loud and aggressive
Study Test C) Sea stars eat sea urchins, mussels and sea C) These birds use odd things to clean their
B) The male and female Blue Jays build the
B) Sea stars are often called starfish though
nest together
they are not actually fish
D) Many sea stars swallow their prey whole
D) Male and female Blue Jays are almost the
E) However, some have 10 to 15 arms
same in appearance
E) Blue Jays prefer to live in forests because
they can find a lot of food in them