Page 9 - Marvel 11 Reading Pack - Demo
P. 9
7. (I) Carbon is an element and it exists all over 10. (I) Hurricanes are severe tropical storms.
the world and in every living thing. (II) Oxygen (II) They form in the southern Atlantic Ocean,
is another common element in the world. the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, and in
(III) The air also contains water vapour, dust the eastern Pacific Ocean. (III) The Pacific is
particles, and ozone. (IV) When these two the largest ocean in the world and extends from
elements bond together, they form a colourless, the Arctic in the north to Antarctica in the south.
odourless gas called carbon dioxide. (V) When (IV) They have winds travelling at least 74
people burn coal, oil, and natural gas, they also miles per hour. (V) When hurricanes come onto
produce carbon dioxide. land, they cause a lot of damage to buildings,
trees, and cars.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
8. (I) Tennis has evolved from a game similar to 11. (I) Erosion is the physical movement of
modern handball. (II) Ancient Greeks, Romans sediments and rocks from one place to another
and Egyptians played this game. (III) In later by forces of nature. (II) Erosion is happening
times, the people of French monasteries around us all the time. (III) Sometimes it
also played a game like tennis. (IV) At first, happens so slowly that we don’t realize it.
they played this game with bare hands, but ydspublishing (IV) Over long periods of time, erosion can
eventually began using short bats. (V) Today, move mountains and dig holes as big as the
however, tennis balls are usually optic yellow in Grand Canyon. (V) The Grand Canyon’s oldest
colour. sedimentary rocks date back almost two billion
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
9. (I) Religion was extremely important in Aztec 12. (I) About 220 million years ago, India was
life. (II) In fact, the Aztec Empire was one of the an island. (II) With the motion of continental
strongest civilizations in the Americas. (III) The plates, it drifted north and very slowly crashed
Aztecs worshipped hundreds of gods and into Asia about 40 million years ago. (III) Then
goddesses. (IV) Each god or goddess ruled its northward motion created the Himalayan
one or more human activities. (V) The Aztecs mountain range. (IV) The Himalayas attract
respected and feared their power and often a lot of visitors as a spiritual centre and as a
organized religious ceremonies to thank them. trekking paradise. (V) The same motion still
continues today, and therefore, Mount Everest
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V is growing by about four centimetres per year.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V